The school’s commitment in total education rests on the realization of the value of integrating the formation of social consciousness in the training and formation of the Olivarians so that they will become not only competent but also socially responsible professional citizens.
The Committee Outreach Program is an important instrument that would link the classroom to social reality and thus facilitate a more dynamic learning. In the process, the student acquires a Christian Orientation for his chosen profession on viewing it always with reference to love and service for others, especially the needy and the powerless.
The Campus Ministry is an apostolate of service to the entire school community by providing care and concern for the persons, by proclaiming the Gospel and its value, by building and strengthening a community of faith, by celebrating the life of the community especially through the Liturgy.
The Program consists of the following:
- The Liturgical Program provides the members of the institution with revenues for liturgical workshops by organizing, implementing and centralizing religious activities (every first Friday of the month and during special occasions).
- The Spiritual Formation Program provides a venue to enrich, assess and strengthen one’s personal spirituality through retreats, recollections and religious activities